Do you know how and when to present your references?
Your references are an important tool at your disposal that can be very useful in helping you to secure your ideal job. This is because there isn’t a much more effective marketing resource for yourself. Although a strong resume and cover letter are your best chance of initially attracting an employer’s interest, your references are so powerful due to the fact that they provide positive information about you from someone other than yourself. This is valuable information to a potential employer.
Therefore, you want to make sure that you provide your references at the ideal time and in the best way possible. To give the best impression, your references need to be provided as part of the interview process and be presented in a professional manner. This means they need to be cohesive as part of your job search documentation.
With a reference page prepared by Cando Career Coaching and Resume Writing you will:
- Ensure you are prepared to professionally present your references at your interview
- Further show your commitment to quality by having a document that matches the rest of your career documents
- Encourage employers to follow-up with your references

We look forward to partnering with you in the future,

Review Candace’s credentials here.