The Greatest Reason in the World to Invest in Interview Coaching is a Job Offer!

Your resume has done its job by getting you in the door; now it is up to you to sell your value to the interviewer or the interview panel! Are you ready?

  • How long has it been since your last interview? Do you feel a little rusty?
  • Do you always make the shortlist but never get a job offer?
  • Do you get the interview jitters, and do your words come out how you would like?
  • Do your answers sound logical, to the point, and on the right path?
  • Would you be completely confident walking into an interview?
  • Have you prepared appropriate questions to ask the interviewer?

Many job seekers think the interview will be a “piece of cake” until they get in the interview. Failing to prepare is preparing to fail.

Hello Candace, Thank you so much for your help. The interview went REALLY well. I will know the result in a couple of weeks. Thanks for helping me in such a timely manner. It is worth every penny! You are so professional and friendly. At the end of the conversation, you pointed out what my weakest point was. It really helped!!! I know myself better and have become much more confident than I was before I talked with you. I made the right decision in asking for professional help. Many many thanks!


H. Z

Don’t Waste an Opportunity to Secure a Job Offer

You must communicate your core competencies, accomplishments, and the value you can bring to an organization with confidence, clarity, and conciseness.

Candace Davies, owner of Cando Career Coaching and Resume Writing, holds the following coaching certifications.

  • Certified Employment Interview Professional
  • Certified Interview Coach
  • Associate Career Coach
  • Dual Certified Resume Writer

Given Candace’s expertise, she can guide you through every stage of the interview to achieve the desired results.  Some of these results may include:

  • Overcoming anxiousness and increasing your confidence
  • Answering tough interview questions with poise and in a knowledgeable way
  • Preparing for behavioral questions
  • Creating C.A.R. stories to showcase relevant accomplishments
  • Learning proper interview etiquette
  • Portraying yourself as the best candidate for the position
  • How to and the importance of researching the organization
  • Strategizing on excellent questions to ask the interviewer
  • Understanding the importance of follow-up

If you have landed an interview, don’t waste the opportunity to make a great impression. Remember, you only get one chance.

I distributed my resume and cover letter to 8 companies, and seven called for an interview. I owe this all to you.

G. J.


Invest NOW to secure a job offer

A powerful resume = job interviews = job offers!

“If You Are Not Happy With the Results Your Resume is Generating Then Act Now to Change Your Future”

Get Started Now!

We look forward to partnering with you in the future,

Candace Signature

Review Candace’s credentials here.